Team Fight Tactics: New Update Caused People to Lose Rank

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Rank decaying is not a new thing in competitive games. rank decaying is a process or a system in games. What this system does is it counts the hours of inactivity and how long you’ve not been playing the competitive or rank mode. After you hit a certain amount of inactivity hours your rank will disappear until you play a ranked game again then it will recalibrate your rank and will give you one after a win.

Why do companies put this system in the game you might ask and there’s a simple answer to that. Companies want you to play the game as much as possible and you know how hard it is to get a high rank. So they play with this psychology of gamers and trick them into playing the game more because if they don’t they will lose their precious rank. The majority of games do this trick to maintain a stable player base, but some games don’t perform this kind of thing.

The rank resets are a common thing among games and if you are ranked correctly then a rank reset might not be a big deal for you because You could always get that rank back by playing one or two good matches. Rank resets might not be a big deal for some players but there is a big chunk of players grinding hours and hours on the game and their rank matters to them greatly. So what is the point of all this information that I am giving you? A recent update in Team Fight Tactics caused the players to lose their rank. This update caused people to be deranked to Iron 1 which means that you must grind your way up the rank ladder and start from scratch while your winning gain will be much higher than normal. So in this blog, I’ll try to give you a brief on what was this update and why people lost their rank.

The update:

In team fight tactics there is not a specific period for a seasonal update like in other games in which they collectively push updates bimonthly or quarterly. The developers do push three to four Seasonal updates each year. This update was one of these that resulted in people’s ranks getting reset. In the update, riot told us to mark November’s first weekend for an announcement. Other than that, they have given buffs to numerous champions they also have given nerf to a few champions but we will not talk about them because that will make us lose sight of our subject which was “New update caused people to lose rank”.

Now to defend Riot on their website, they have talked about this. They have said that in each ranked season, you will start your TFT freshly this means that in each new season, you will start your journey from scratch but because they want you to keep playing the game, they will do a soft reset to your MMR. A soft reset means that your MMR is pulled a bit closer to the median.

What should you do:

After a rank reset there’s nothing much you can do about it. The only thing you can do to get your rank back is to play the game with the same passion and win matches. With the help of the soft MMR reset, you’ll most likely regain your lost rank in a matter of time. The first match win will give you a rank up to iron 2 and then you’ll get placed into calibration matches where you must play 5 matches to get back your new rank. Winning these matches is another story because after the rank resets the whole rank ladder gets disturbed so you’ll never know who you are playing against.

There are things that you can do to maximize your chances to win matches. The first thing is to play regularly and try to be consistent. Being consistent in TFT is not that difficult as compared to fps shooters because your reflexes doesn’t get used in TFT Matches. Be consistent and play regularly to get a better rank. Another thing that you can do to be better and get back your rank is to watch other higher-rank players absorb their gameplay and apply it yourself in these calibration matches. These are just my suggestions that you can apply to get your original rank back.

TFT Boosting

If you are serious about Team fight tactics and want to get better at the game or if you just want to get back your original rank. Then you will appreciate an extra pair of help that will give you full tips and will work with you on your mistakes. That extra pair of help is choosing a tft boosting service and get boosted in TFT. A booster will provide you with useful insights into your game and he will also make sure that you will not make the same mistakes multiple times. All in all, hiring a booster can be a good decision if your goal is to get better and better at Team Fight Tactics.